Rauch Education is committed to business practices, operations, and projects that protect people and the environment.
The basis for health, safety, and environmental programs is that accidents causing injuries or illness to personnel or impact on the environment are preventable. It is everyone’s obligation to prevent accidents.
Accident prevention continues to be of paramount importance to Rauch. To this end, safety takes precedence over expediency.
Rauch is committed to compliance with all client health, safety, and environmental requirements as well as to applicable regulations.
Each Rauch Client, Employee, Subsidiary, Affiliate and Strategic Partner has the responsibility through personal example to create a climate in which everyone shares a concern for his own safety and the safety of his fellow workers.
Our policy is to work collaboratively with public and private entities to foster the growth of adequate, clean and sustainable energy, develop and deliver energy education and conservation programs, identify and promote alternative fuels and technologies.