FAQs Undergraduate Students

Answer: A quality CV will have several key components such as: Contact information, a summary or objective, education, internship experience, research experience, relevant job experience, skills, awards, interests and relevant published documents or media. This critical document will assist you when you apply for an internship, research, college or grad application, and application essays. Rauch Education has experience assisting students not only in formatting and writing their CV from scratch but also with assisting students in editing or updated their CV. Each individual student’s CV will be a reflection of themselves; however, the key components and the presentation of such are key. We teach and guide our students how to achieve this outcome.

Answer:  Research allows you to narrow down your final career goal, gain knowledge and hands-on experience in your field of study, you will have a better understanding of what careers align with your goals and it will help you understand what type of environment you may wish to work in upon graduation.  Rauch Education can discuss your career goals with you and review and discuss what research work you have completed or are currently working on.  Taking into consideration what research topic interest(s) you have is also important.  We can then offer suggestions of additional research, types of research or what businesses or agencies will help make you a more well-rounded student or provide you with the type of research experience your field of study or career goal might require. 

Answer:  The selection of major/minor combinations is very important as you want your academic selections to be a stepping-stone for you to reach your career goal.  Studying subject matter that will best complement your career goal will help you gain experience by gaining knowledge and help to ensure you have chosen the right career path for you.  It can also open doors to internships and research which then can open doors to networking and a job in your chosen field after graduation.  Rauch Education is here to help talk you through your career goal and help you choose the best major/minor selection based upon that goal and your other interests that will support your career.   

Answer:  First, you must decide if you want an internship while in college.  Not all students can or want to take on another responsibility of what can potentially be a demanding internship while trying to focus on their schoolwork.  However, be aware that some majors and/or colleges will require an internship in order to complete the graduation requirements. 

While there is no guarantee that all students will be selected for an internship in college, Rauch Education is here to help you have the best chance possible in obtaining one.  We strive to help our students stand out from the crowd and leverage their education and skills to help them land an internship in their field of study.  Some internships, as well as research applications, can be very complex and take months to complete and we can certainly assist you in this process should you need it or we can review your application and help you finetune it.

Answer:  Considering our expertise in this area, Rauch Education can help you to understand the type of project works, internships, research writing, high impact development projects (including international levels), workshops, community service and many such initiatives which students can undertake considering the major/minor combinations which students have in mind. Moreover, such initiatives help students experience the real-life work environments before making the commitment to pursue an undergrad program in the university.

Answer:  While this is a very difficult question to answer without knowing your career goal, Rauch Education can discuss the skills necessary for a particular career.  However, there are some skills that employees in general look for such as:  Good communication skills, including listening, writing and speaking, problem solving, critical thinking, teamwork, taking initiative and being proactive to prevent problems and issues, professionalism, a strong work ethic, demonstrating leadership, detail-oriented, adaptable, transferring your book learning that you obtained from your college education into practical workplace applications, being proficient in basic technology, and being able to learn new technologies quickly.   

Answer:  Deciding whether or not to continue onto graduate school or beyond is a very personal decision and will depend on a few factors.  Frist, your career goal and field you desire to have a career in will often dictate the necessity for furthering your education.  Rauch Education is available to help guide you through this component of your decision.  Second, your financial situation will play an important role in either deciding to continue your education immediately, on a part-time basis while working, or working full-time for a company who will reimburse your tuition or pay for your graduate or post-graduate education.  Finally, you personally must have both the desire and drive to continue your education in order to achieve your dreams!

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